Eventos solstice en Ottawa, Canadá
Le devoir de vigilance des entreprises
Tuesday at 11:30 AM
University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (FTX 202)
Le devoir de vigilance des entreprises
Tuesday at 11:30 AM
University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (FTX 202)
Au fil du temps, avec Marie-Claude Thifault
Thu, Feb 6, 12:00 PM
Pavillon Morisset - CRCCF - Salle 040
Au fil du temps, avec Marie-Claude Thifault
Thu, Feb 6, 12:00 PM
Pavillon Morisset - CRCCF - Salle 040
Introductory D&D 5e game, monthly on the third Sunday, new players welcome.
Sun, Feb 16, 12:00 PM + 19 más
The Royal Oak (Bank at Maclaren)
Introductory D&D 5e game, monthly on the third Sunday, new players welcome.
Sun, Feb 16, 12:00 PM + 19 más
The Royal Oak (Bank at Maclaren)
Introductory D&D 5e game monthly on the first Thursday new players welcome.
Thu, Feb 6, 6:00 PM + 19 más
Level One Game Pub
Introductory D&D 5e game monthly on the first Thursday new players welcome.
Thu, Feb 6, 6:00 PM + 19 más
Level One Game Pub
Domaine Pine Hill - Visite privilège de terrain pour les dômes
Sat, Feb 22, 10:00 AM
77 chemin du Lac-Wilson
Domaine Pine Hill - Visite privilège de terrain pour les dômes
Sat, Feb 22, 10:00 AM
77 chemin du Lac-Wilson