Eventos celebration en Coquitlam, Canadá
4th Global Conference on Healthcare Leadership and Management (GCHLM)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia
4th Global Conference on Healthcare Leadership and Management (GCHLM)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia
32nd Global Conference on Advertising and Marketing Communications (GCAMC)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia
32nd Global Conference on Advertising and Marketing Communications (GCAMC)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia
Yin, Sound Bath & Nidra : Self-Love Edition
Fri, Feb 14, 7:00 PM
Ocean Park Community Association, 128th Street, Surrey, BC, Canada
Yin, Sound Bath & Nidra : Self-Love Edition
Fri, Feb 14, 7:00 PM
Ocean Park Community Association, 128th Street, Surrey, BC, Canada
2nd Global Conference on Human Rights, Immigration, and Refugees (GCHRIR)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia
2nd Global Conference on Human Rights, Immigration, and Refugees (GCHRIR)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia
Paolo Bortolussi, flute and Corey Hamm, piano
Sun, May 25, 2:30 PM
Rose Gellert Hall, Langley Community Music School
Paolo Bortolussi, flute and Corey Hamm, piano
Sun, May 25, 2:30 PM
Rose Gellert Hall, Langley Community Music School
36th Global Conference on Women in Business and Leadership (GCWBL)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia
36th Global Conference on Women in Business and Leadership (GCWBL)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia